At the podium Dr. Abraham Haim, President of the Jewish Sephardi Council of the city of Jerusalem, presents on the history and meanings of Hanuka. His Lecture used readings and songs to illustrate the celebration in different times and spaces of the Jewish cultural traditions. |
Participants on the tour of the Jewish Sephardi Route, Plaza of Santa Ana, entrance to the second of the Jewish Quarter in the 15th century. |
Students and a professors of the School of Education of University of Salamanca - Zamora campus touring the Jewish Sephardic Route led by local anthropologist María Antonia Muriel Sastre, and Dr. Jesús Jambrina, Viterbo University, Wisconsin. |
Students from University of Salamanca-Zamora campus touring the Jewish Sephardi Route in the city. |
More info: La Ruta Sefardí se cuela en las aulas, La Opinión de Zamora, leer aquí.