This week (March 23-27) a few experts, friends of our Center, presented their Jewish Zamora related research at the International Conference Mapping the Anussim Diaspora, Netanya Academic College, Israel, and our director was recognized at Viterbo University, in Wisconsin, by the Council of the Sephardi Community of the Old City of Jerusalem for his work on the Jewish Legacy of Zamora. Here some pictures and links sharing information.
Related information (in Spanish)
"La huella en la piedra: epigrafías cripto judías ibéricas", entrevista con Anun Barriuso y José Manuel Laureiro (Radio Sefarad)
Conversos e inquisición en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII, entrevista con Ignacio Luis Rodríguez, Cátedra España-Israel (Radio Sefarad)