domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

International Conference on the Jewish Sephardi Heritage of City of Zamora, Spain

Conference Objectives
  • Communicate the Jewish Sephardi Heritage of the city of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
  • Facilitate academic exchanges among international and local scholars on the topic of the Jews of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
  • Share with the local community research updates on the Jews of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
  • Explore ideas on how to recuperate, protect and value the Jewish Heritage of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
  • Bridge with current Jewish Sephardi communities around the world 
UNED, July 3, 2015
(for knowing more about our presenters, please, click links on their names) 

8:15 Access Previous Registration (Here) 

9:00. Welcome by Organizers

9:15 – 9:55. “Material Evidences of Jewish Presence in Zamora”, Jesús Jambrina,Viterbo University

10:00-10:50. Early Results from Excavations at Mota de Castrillo (Burgos)”. Manuel Moratinos, María Negredo y Angel Palomino Lázaro, Archeologists, Office of Archeology, and Historical Patrimony Studies

11:00-11:50. “Jewish and Converso Cryptographies in the Northern Border with Portugal”, Emilio Fonseca, Independent Scholar

12:00 – 12:50. “Genetic map of Jewish Sephardi communities in the region of Zamora (Spain) and Tras Os Montes (Portugal)”, Inés Nogueiro, University of Porto

13:00 – 13:50. “From Silence to Awareness. Pride for being B’nei Anusim”. José Manuel Laureiro, Historian, Director of CEIP Antonio Moreno Rosales, Madrid, co-author of The North of Sefarad (2005), and Anun Barriuso, researcher, co-authorof The North of Sefarad (2005), Center Isaac Campantón.

14-15:55. Lunch

16:00-16:50. “Jewish Fighters for the 2nd Republic during the Spanish Civil War” María Antonia Muriel Sastre, anthropologist, Center Isaac Campantón

17:00 – 17:50. “The Sephardic Songs Demystifeied”. Judith Cohen, York University, Canada.

18:00-18:50. “Approaches to Jewish Literature by Authors from Leon”. Santiago Trancón. Writer, author of Memorias de un judío sefardí (2011) and Huellas judías y leonesas en El Quijote (2014).

19:00- 19:50.  “The Four Sephardi Synagogues of the Jewish Quarters of Old Jerusalem, an example of Coexistence, Unity and Peace”. Abraham Haim, President of the SephardiCouncil of the City of Jerusalem.

20:00- 20:50. Brainstorm Session on Having a Jewish Museum in the City of Zamora

Contact Information
980 528 399
Centro Isaac Campantón 
609 740 116