- Communicate the Jewish Sephardi Heritage of the city of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
- Facilitate academic exchanges among international and local scholars on the topic of the Jews of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
- Share with the local community research updates on the Jews of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
- Explore ideas on how to recuperate, protect and value the Jewish Heritage of Zamora, and Castile and Leon
- Bridge with current Jewish Sephardi communities around the world
UNED, July 3, 2015
(for knowing more about our presenters, please, click links on their names)
(for knowing more about our presenters, please, click links on their names)
8:15 Access Previous Registration (Here)
9:00. Welcome by Organizers
9:15 – 9:55. “Material Evidences of Jewish Presence in Zamora”, Jesús Jambrina,Viterbo University
10:00-10:50. Early Results from Excavations at Mota de Castrillo (Burgos)”. Manuel Moratinos, María Negredo y Angel Palomino Lázaro, Archeologists, Office of Archeology, and Historical Patrimony Studies
11:00-11:50. “Jewish and Converso Cryptographies in the Northern Border with Portugal”, Emilio Fonseca, Independent Scholar
12:00 – 12:50. “Genetic map of Jewish Sephardi communities in the region of Zamora (Spain) and Tras Os Montes (Portugal)”, Inés Nogueiro, University of Porto
13:00 – 13:50. “From Silence to Awareness. Pride for being B’nei Anusim”. José Manuel Laureiro, Historian, Director of CEIP Antonio Moreno Rosales, Madrid, co-author of The North of Sefarad (2005), and Anun Barriuso, researcher, co-authorof The North of Sefarad (2005), Center Isaac Campantón.
14-15:55. Lunch
16:00-16:50. “Jewish Fighters for the 2nd Republic during the Spanish Civil War” María Antonia Muriel Sastre, anthropologist, Center Isaac Campantón
17:00 – 17:50. “The Sephardic Songs Demystifeied”. Judith Cohen, York University, Canada.
18:00-18:50. “Approaches to Jewish Literature by Authors from Leon”. Santiago Trancón. Writer, author of Memorias de un judío sefardí (2011) and Huellas judías y leonesas en El Quijote (2014).
19:00- 19:50. “The Four Sephardi Synagogues of the Jewish Quarters of Old Jerusalem, an example of Coexistence, Unity and Peace”. Abraham Haim, President of the SephardiCouncil of the City of Jerusalem.
20:00- 20:50. Brainstorm Session on Having a Jewish Museum in the City of Zamora
Contact Information
9:00. Welcome by Organizers
9:15 – 9:55. “Material Evidences of Jewish Presence in Zamora”, Jesús Jambrina,Viterbo University
10:00-10:50. Early Results from Excavations at Mota de Castrillo (Burgos)”. Manuel Moratinos, María Negredo y Angel Palomino Lázaro, Archeologists, Office of Archeology, and Historical Patrimony Studies
11:00-11:50. “Jewish and Converso Cryptographies in the Northern Border with Portugal”, Emilio Fonseca, Independent Scholar
12:00 – 12:50. “Genetic map of Jewish Sephardi communities in the region of Zamora (Spain) and Tras Os Montes (Portugal)”, Inés Nogueiro, University of Porto
13:00 – 13:50. “From Silence to Awareness. Pride for being B’nei Anusim”. José Manuel Laureiro, Historian, Director of CEIP Antonio Moreno Rosales, Madrid, co-author of The North of Sefarad (2005), and Anun Barriuso, researcher, co-authorof The North of Sefarad (2005), Center Isaac Campantón.
14-15:55. Lunch
16:00-16:50. “Jewish Fighters for the 2nd Republic during the Spanish Civil War” María Antonia Muriel Sastre, anthropologist, Center Isaac Campantón
17:00 – 17:50. “The Sephardic Songs Demystifeied”. Judith Cohen, York University, Canada.
18:00-18:50. “Approaches to Jewish Literature by Authors from Leon”. Santiago Trancón. Writer, author of Memorias de un judío sefardí (2011) and Huellas judías y leonesas en El Quijote (2014).
19:00- 19:50. “The Four Sephardi Synagogues of the Jewish Quarters of Old Jerusalem, an example of Coexistence, Unity and Peace”. Abraham Haim, President of the SephardiCouncil of the City of Jerusalem.
20:00- 20:50. Brainstorm Session on Having a Jewish Museum in the City of Zamora
Contact Information